The story behind the shot – The Bloke in the Bubble
Maybe it’s me (actually this is me but you know what I mean) but I think there’s a connection between the lockdown and bubbles since the former effectively put most of us in the latter.
All the way through the making of this image I thought of ‘The Boy in the Bubble’ by Paul Simon. A great song in my opinion which is just as well because I can’t get it out of my head, which is almost another song title… which I now can’t get out of my head! This could go on but I’ll spare you the agony.
This was two images both lit by a single flash with softbox, resized and blended in Photoshop.
Camera settings were 100 ISO (the lower the ISO the better the image quality), f8 at 1/125 second.
If you’d like any free help with DIY photography given that we’re still in lockdown please do get in touch; I’d be happy to help.
lets chat about your perfect image
Get in touch with Antony today to see how you can work together to capture your perfect picture.