My name is Antony Baker, I’m a photographer based in Sheffield.
You know when you get really excited about something and you just know that’s what you want to do? That’s me and photography. I’ve been keen on it since the age of sixteen (which I like to think isn’t all that long ago although the picture below may suggest otherwise!)

When I first took up photography I used my Mum and Dad’s boiler room as a darkroom (it only had a small window so it was easy to black out). I printed my photo’s in black and white because colour printing was too expensive. I must admit that there was something quite magical about seeing a print appear in front of my eyes. These days of course the darkroom has gone digital with a quite staggering array of software capable of changing the initial image beyond all recognition.
For me though the art is still to get the shot right in camera just as it always has been. When you’re using film there is obviously no screen on which to review the shot, so composing the shot properly is vital, and indeed this is how I teach photography. You can make a good image better using software, but if it’s poorly exposed, out of focus or badly composed, trying to rescue it is something of a lost cause.
I love the creativity photography offers, I love working with people and yes, I love shooting landscapes too. If I can help you in any aspect of photography please get in touch, it would be great to hear from you.
lets chat about your perfect image
Get in touch with Antony today to see how you can work together to capture your perfect picture.