The story behind the shot – One egg, two forks and a lightbox
This is the first in a series of images that I’ll be uploading regularly with the story of each, together with how it was taken, so there’ll be a few photographic hints and tips along the way.
This one came about because of the current Covid -19 situation and the fact that schools are now closed to most children across the country. If, like me, you like to get out and about and don’t like to be cooped up in the house, if it’s raining and the kids are driving you to the point where you’d like to tar and feather them๐, please don’t!
Take a deep breath, get your camera out and get creative (you could even get them involved if only you could find the key to the shed after you locked them in ๐). There’s loads of stuff in the house you could photograph (kitchens are especially good).
This was taken using a lightbox (strangely not a box that isn’t heavy but one that’s white inside with LED lights above and to the side) at 100 ISO, f16 and 1/4 of a second but you could shoot using white paper or card as the floor and background and using natural window light. If you spot meter for the egg you should be able to keep the background white (as opposed to grey). Remember to keep the camera perfectly still.
Take care and have fun…
lets chat about your perfect image
Get in touch with Antony today to see how you can work together to capture your perfect picture.