The story behind the shot – Lockdown Chess
There was a deep seated, long standing grudge. We knew each other well. It was a hard fought match. I seemed to know every move that my opponent made even before he made it. He seemed to know mine. It was almost as if we could read each other minds – spooky!
The thing is you can’t social distance with chess but we felt safe enough – this match needed to be played, too much was at stake!
After many hours of deep concentration and seemingly endless mind games I won… and lost…
We were exhausted. We agreed that it was too much effort and life is too short to hold grudges. We decided to go for a few beers. Then we remembered! LOCKDOWN! I don’t know how we forgot. It’s why we played chess in the first place. The pub will have to wait. Now where’s the Budweiser?
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