Portrait Lighting Styles -Loop Lighting
Another in my series of lighting techniques which may be useful if you need a DIY headshot given that most of us are in lockdown. You’ve got me again (un retouched). This shot is straight out of camera. It’s in black and white so you can see the light pattern more clearly.
Loop lighting is made by creating a small shadow of the subjects nose on their cheek which angles down to the corner of the mouth. Unlike Rembrandt lighting (see my previous post) the shadows of the nose and cheek don’t touch.
I placed one light slightly above me at an angle of about 30 degrees to me. If you look at my eyes you’ll see the catchlight from the light source in the upper part of the irises which is where they should be.
Camera settings were 200 ISO, f8 at 1/125 second with the power of the light metered to suit. Have fun…
If you’d like any free advice with photography (given that this is where most of us are spending most of our time at the moment) do get in touch; I’d be happy to help.
lets chat about your perfect image
Get in touch with Antony today to see how you can work together to capture your perfect picture.